Saturday, July 13, 2013

old dreams.

It's funny the things you come across while cleaning.  Today I happened across a piece of paper on which I had recorded a dream of mine.  I'm not talking about a day dream....or a dream of how my life might be in the future.  Oh no.  What I found was much more amusing.

A night time dream.

The kind you can remember for those first few moments when waking up.  The kind that totally made sense while you were dreaming it, but once you wake up it seems more like looking through shattered glass -- totally fragmented, but you can tell that something interesting is on the other side.

I don't remember dreams very often, but when I do, they are always epic.  Sometimes I sleepily mumble them into the voice memo app on my phone, but this particular time I actually wrote it down with a pencil on paper (yes, a pencil.  archaic, I know).

I have no idea when I dreamed this, although due to the characters in the story, I must have been within the last three years.  If you are one to assign meaning to dreams, have at this one...and let me know what you come up with.

The following is totally unchanged from the scribble that was written when I awoke. 

"It is winter.  Me and Tate are with Joel & Abbi in a house that might be a rental.  We see a movie.  Suddenly we are inside it and we can't get out!  We decide to go deeper and are transported by stardust.  There is an evil queen, and a mission.  If we fail, we are stuck forever.  We start.  Transported to a track meet.  A guy tells us what to do.  We read the thing - into words.  (I've been there before?).  There are two dragons, and we need to wave a flag - a sheet of fabric - to tame them.  But they split apart and I can only tame one.  They become tame (a family!) and we hear their story.  Then I rescue Tate.  We get to the shelf, there are dolls -- they got stuck there when failed trying to rescue the queen.  You have to do a dance to impress her and make her remember who she is.  Everyone has failed so far.  We get there (somehow) and make a song with food.  Realize we won.  We were late?  But it lasted all day.  All is ok in the end."

They say that dreams are puzzles of the stuff you were thinking about during the day.  I don't even know what that means when I look at this, other than our brains are pretty crazy.  

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