Sunday, September 23, 2012

the best horse: a photo tribute

to Mo:

You were a once-in-a-lifetime horse.  I never, ever thought I'd be able to afford you, but because of the kindness of strangers, you came into my life.  We had big aspirations, you and I...dreams of blue ribbons and events with stars attached.

However, those things weren't to be.  Some might find that disappointing...but not me.  What I got was so, so much better.

You saw me through bone tumors & breakups...and nuzzled me sweetly when I cried for hours in your stall.  You put up with every crazy costume I dressed you even let me ride wearing a giant cereal box.  You jumped around prelim cross country courses, then carted around bobbily beginners.  We took many a bareback + halter trail ride, and everyone wondered at you...the gentle giant.

Even though your body gave out early, I see you watching the other horses being ridden.  I know that, in your mind, you are ready to tackle the next cross country course.  And you would, if I asked you to.  But now is the time for you to get fat and happy.  

Wishing the happiest & best retirement to my wonderful friend.  You deserve it, buddy.  

Thank you for inspiring confidence in me and so many others.  Thank you for every ride over the last 5 years.  Thank you for carrying me through life.

Love at first ride...

First time jumping him...holy air time.

he's just awfully tall. 

double trouble with the next of kin

post tumor surgery equine therapy :)

even muddy ponies help healing

probably not approved by my surgeon.  oh well. 

post dressage kisses MTPC HT 2008

everyone looks like a shrimp on Mo

Wolf Gap Dressage

Mo's first Trakehner...not gonna touch it!

post  XC

Second's the best...right?'s Mo-pirate
Leading the way - Quadrille at the WEG
Famous for a few days :)

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